15th Bryan Warren School of Pathology: Head and Neck Pathology
We announce that the 15th Bryan Warren School of Pathology will go Online on 5th November 2022. The School is organized jointly by the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology (BDIAP), and the Association of Basic Medical Sciences FBIH.
The main topic of the school will be Head and Neck Pathology. The lecturers are two renowned histopathologists: Dr. Ann Sandison (Consultant in Head and Neck Pathology at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation, Hon. Senior Lecturer in Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, King’s College London) and Dr. Selvam Thavaraj (Honorary Consultant in Head and Neck Pathology at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation, Senior Lecturer in Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, King’s College London).
The course aims to cover the main topics in head and neck pathology and address practical issues, particularly those relevant to junior pathology residents and clinicians.
For more info, please visit: https://www.bosnianpathology.org/15th-bryan-warren-school-of-pathology/