Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences becomes Biomolecules and Biomedicine
The BJBMS is included in the most relevant scientific databases and is well-known worldwide. The journal has outgrown its national and regional boundaries, given that more than 90% of the articles published in BJBMS come from the international community. Therefore, the publisher and editors decided to change the title of the journal to more accurately reflect its international character and the content of the articles published.
From February 2023 (Volume 23, Issue 1), the title of the Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences will be changed to Biomolecules and Biomedicine. The new title reflects the increasing number of published research done on the subcellular/molecular level as well as translational and clinical research contained in the term Biomedicine. Biomolecules and Biomedicine will continue to be published by the Association of Basic Medical Sciences of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.