Prevalence of Resistence to Activated Protein C (Apc-Resistance) in Blood Donors in Kosovo
resistance of APC, FV Leiden, protein C pathway, thrombophiliaAbstract
AbstractOne of the most frequent hereditary causes of thrombophilia is, without a doubt, resistance to Activated Protein C (APC-resistance), which is a consequence of point mutation in gene coding for coagulation Factor V (Factor V Leiden) in 90-95% of cases.
The aim of this paper was to determine prevalence of APC-resistance in a group of healthy blood donors. The size of the group is quite representative of Kosovo Albanians.
A total of 944 blood donors were examined (537 males and 407 females), for whom APC-resistance was determined by functional methods of coagulation using the kit ACTICLOT® Protein C Resistance. Method is based on the test of APTT determined twice: first in the presence and second in the absence of activated Protein C (APC). The ratio of these two values constitutes is called Activated Protein C - Sensitivity Ratio (APC-SR).
From 944 examined donors, pathologic values of APC-SR (1,3-1,9) were found in 32 persons (3,4% of the total number). The distribution among sexes was 3,35% (18/537) in male and 3,43% (14/407) in female subjects. The mean values of APC-SR (1,64 in male and 1,71 in female subjects) were not significantly different (P = 0,22).
Based on these results, we conclude that the prevalence of APC resistance in Albanian population of Kosovo is within the lower limit of prevalence in general population in different countries of European countries, which, according to some authors ranges is from 3 to 7%.