Correlation of Autoantibodies Presence Detected By IFA-anti-dsDNA, IFA-AMA and Immunoblotting with Corresponding Data in Clinical Management of Autoimmune Diseases
SLE, AIH, PBC, IFA, AMA, anti-dsDNA, M-2, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LPAbstract
Diagnosis and management of patients with SLE (Systemic Lupus Eritematosus), autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), involves specific diagnostic tests, such as IFA-AMA, IFA anti-dsDNA and immunoblotting for the detection of autoantibodies for specific autoantigens (mitochondria, dsDNA, M2, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP). We established specific correlation between the detected autoantibodies and corresponding clinical findings.
The total of 813 serum specimens were probed with IFA-anti-dsDNA, 98 of which tested positive. We also performed dilution analysis to the end point for all the positive specimens. Numerous specimens were tested by IFA, AMA and immunoblotting.