Comparison of Trazodone, Diazepame and Dibenzepine Influences on Rat Brain Beta-Endorphins Content


  • Radivoj Jadrić Institute for Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo
  • Sabaheta Hasić Institute for Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo
  • Emina Kiseljaković Institute for Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo
  • Mira Winterhalter-Jadrić Institute for Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo



β-endorphins, rat, psychotropic drugs, trazodone, diazepame, diben-zepine


The aim of our study was to establish the extent of influence of different psychotropic drugs to brain β-endorphins in experimental animals. The study was performed on albino Wistar rats (weight 250 g), treated with different psychoactive drugs. RIA technique was employed for quantification of brain β-endorphins. Brain β-endorphins were higher in experiment group treated with trazodone (929 pg/g ± 44,43; X±SD), and dibenzepine (906,63 pg/g ± 74,06), yet with lower brain content in rats treated with diazepame (841,55 pg/g ± 68,47), compared to brain β-endorphins content of control group treated with saline solution (0,95% NaCl) (873,5 pg/g ± 44,89). Significant differences were obtained comparing brain β-endorphins of trazodone vs. diaze-pame treated animals, with diazepame group having lower values (p<0,02). This study showed differences in changes of rat brain β-endorphins contents when different psy-choactive drugs are used. Therefore, we consider that β-endorphins could be used for evaluation of effects of psychoactive drugs, as a useful parameter in therapy with these psycho pharmaceuticals.



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Comparison of Trazodone, Diazepame and Dibenzepine Influences on Rat Brain Beta-Endorphins Content




How to Cite

Comparison of Trazodone, Diazepame and Dibenzepine Influences on Rat Brain Beta-Endorphins Content. Biomol Biomed [Internet]. 2007 Aug. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];7(3):222-5. Available from: